
Thursday 16 April 2020

Total Cases! Ages & Genders! { T2W1 }

Walt: Reading and analysing graphs.

{ Task Description: }

Due to the Coronavirus lockdown schools around New Zealand are not able to attend schools! But with technology each student got a device to participate in online classes! Today I got the opportunity to do a math's subject call with my teacher and a few other students. Our focus is being able to understand graphs and use information from each graph to answer questions. 

Today's graph focused on Coronavirus updates. There are two graphs. One explains the total cases by all ages. As for the second graph it explains the percentages of females and males who have the virus. Our job was to answer five questions. Two questions based around the line graph that explains gender percentages. The other three are questions like average number, confirmed cases ect. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leilani - well done on getting this completed today. I really like how well you've described the task for everyone. It is clear and very easy to follow. Can you double check you've answered question 1 too please? I couldn't find where you've answered it. Otherwise, great work for today!
