
Tuesday 12 September 2017

Leilani - Narrative Writing!

Walt be thoughtful about links between oral (spoken), written, and visual language to give purpose to our writing.
Walt develop our correct use of grammar and punctuation.
Earth is the only habitable planet!.If you did not know you live on Earth.The Moon has about eight phases.If you would like to know most of the phases I have posted an activity on my blog all about that.The moon doesn't make light by itself it reflects it’s light to the Sun which makes Moonlight.Earth has plants, animals  and living things.Most planets don’t have things that Earth has.Earth is the only planet that has the most oxygen.On some planets there is no water so not a lot of people can live on those planets because we can’t survive without water.The first planet in the solar system is Mercury.Mercury is the closest to the Sun.Mercury takes about 88 days to orbit the Sun.Which is the fastest out of all of the other planets.Can you live on Mercury?No,Mercury is not a easy planet to survive on. holds a little bit of oxygen and we need oxygen to live.The second planet that is closest to the Sun is Venus.Venus takes about 225 days to orbit the sun plus Venus to to small to live on..Can you live on Venus?No , because Venus is too hot to be living on.The third  planet that is closest to the Sun is Earth.I have already told you all about Earth and you probably know quite a lot of facts.Moving on.The next planet is Mars , Mars is really big and I thought that it was a Mars bar.The next planet after Mars  is Jupiter.Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun.Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the Sun.Can we live on Jupiter? No , because Jupiter is a hot gas planet and it is not safe for us to live on.Anyways Jupiter neighbour is Saturn.Before I thought that it was Saturn rings but my dad said that it wasn’t.Saturn takes about 29.4 Earth years to orbit the Sun.One of the Moon that are at Saturn is Titan.Second to last planet from the Sun is Uranus.Uranus takes 370 days to orbit the Sun.One of the Moons of Uranus is is Ariel.Can we live on Uranus?No , because it doesn't not have a lot of Oxygen.Last but not least the last planet that is closest to the Sun is Neptune.Neptune tune takes 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun.Can you live on Neptune?No , because it is too cold for us to live on.If you would like to remember all of the planet’s here is a fast way. My , Very , Educated , Mother , Just , Served , Us , Nachos.

The first letter  for each word stands for each planet.So it is much easier for you to remember the order of the planets.

TASK DESCRIPTION - Today room 8 litracey had to write their script for their space animation.But I had already done my space animation.So my teach Miss Parrant said that I could write an narrative all of the planets.So here it is.This was really fun and I enjoy it.Thanks to Miss Parrant for letting me do this because know I think I have improve my writing.If you enjoy this please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Please share with family or friends ( if you like)God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!!


  1. Wow, this is a great narrative Leilani. I can tell that you have learnt so much about space this term - you're a space genius now! I can also tell that you have done a lot of research online, well done. Don't forget that whenever you talk about a new idea, you make a new paragraph.

    1. Hi , Miss Scanlan

      Thank you so much for leaving a positive comment on my blog post. Yay I am a space geinus ( once I say that I just started to laugh ) Yes I do need to add paragraph because it is just too big to read.

      From - Leilani
