
Saturday, 30 September 2017

Leilani - Pray For Baby Mona!

Task description - Today for baby Mona I really wanted to make this presention.God bless the baby and its family.Here is a video about it Here.Make sure that you show support to the baby and the baby family.Paige is also in this video.

God bless you and your family as well as baby Mona and its family.Also bless everyone that is at baby Mona home were my Nana and Papa is.I hope you enjoy if you did please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) and leave support for baby Mona!

Leilani - Animal News!

Task description - Today I am going to do  all about Animal news.Every second day I am going to be posting this and there is going to be different news.If you enjoy this and you want more please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - Emoji Part 4!

Task description - Today Lillyana , Amelia and me did an google slides about emoji.We just had to do the same as what the emoji was doing and just added the picture.It was really fun doing it and I had no clue what to take the picture with.If you would like to see their blog click Amelia , Lillyana make sure that you leave them a nice comment on their blog post.

If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - We Miss Our Friends & Teachers!

Task description - Today Lillyana , Paige and I did an google slides all about we miss everyone back at school.It was really fun doing this with my friends.We took the photos on the last day of school so that we can post it on our blog.

If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - My sister Brithday!!

Happy Birthday To You! Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

Today is it my sister birthday!She is turning seventeen years old.She is not seventeen yet she was born at 9:10 pm or am I am not to sure.My sister is getting very old and she is making more better choices.

All I want to say is happy birthday sis and I hope all of your wishes come true.Have an amazing holiday and love you so much xoxo.

If any of your family member birthday today or coming up I would like to say a big happy birthday to them and I hope they have an amazing time!

I think there might be some pictures but I am not too sure.

Leilani - Star Wars Vs Pokemon Go!!

Task description - On the 29th of September Lillyana and I did an google slides all about star wars Vs Pokemon go.We had to draw the image our self on 8 bit art.It was really fun and if you would like to check out Lillyana blog click here.She has an amazing blog so make sure that you leave her some nice comments.

If you enjoy this please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Friday, 29 September 2017

Leilani - Video Chatting With My Friends!

Video Chatting With My Friends!
Screenshot 2017-09-29 at 7.14.43 PM.pngScreenshot 2017-09-29 at 7.17.54 PM.png

On Friday the September 29 after school me and my friends did a video chat.I did it with Madison , Puniurua , Losehina , Paige and Tehliiah ( sorry if I spelt you names wrong).We talked about what we are doing and what we should do.It was really fun and it was nice to see everyone.

Task description - Today me and my friends all Video Chat.It was really fun and it was really funny.I hope you enjoy it if you do please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!! Also make sure that you stay tune for more post!

Leilani - It The School Holidays!

Task description - Yay it is the school holidays and I am very excited.I am going to be doing some very fun things that I am going to post on my blog....There is going to be more about what I am going to be posting on these slides.I hope you enjoy what I post and I hope you have a look at each post.

I hope that you are very excited for the future ahead and I hope you stay tune for more!God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Leilani- Cybersmart Qulilty Comments!

Task description - Today Room 6 maths had cybersmart.In cybersmart we had to do some qulilty commenting.It was really fun but it took a while.We had to put our own slide on another slide so we are just posting our one that we made.

I hope you enjoy if you did please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - Information About Mars!

Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term  
Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words

Information About Mars!

When they are going to b sent to mars / what they are doing. -
In 2020 four humans is going to be sent   to Mars.They aren’t just going to stay there and explore they are going to be staying there for their whole lives.They are going to be doing experience maybe and just finding information about Mars.

How we can get connection. -
The spacecraft is going to be recording it and putting them on t.v so that you can watch it.It might be a bit bad quality because it is in space.

What they are going to stay in. -
They are going to be staying in Dome that has oxygen.They are going to be staying in there and all of their things are in there.

The End . -
I hope that they get there safely and I hope that they have fun on Mars.In 2020 they are going to be going so stay tune.
Task description - Today since I have finish my work I said that I am going to be writing about the Mars one project.

If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family.Stay safe and BYE BYE!! 

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Leilani - Questions About Our Solar System!

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term  
Task description - Today Room 6 did an activity all about our Solar System.We got an reading on a website and we had to answer questions that were on the activity.It took me a while to complete this because there is about nine slides and I had too read a lot.

I hope you enjoy if you do please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family.Stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Leilani - Mars One And Our Solar System!

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term  
Task description - Today Room 8 did an activity which had activity on all of the slides.It kinda took me  a while because I had to do all of the activity that was on each slide.I have already post each activity on my blog.If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - The Daily News!

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term  
Task description - Today Room 8 did an activity all about Mars One.We had to complete this activity which is called a "newspaper article".I think that the way you can see it and what I have wrote I think that it is just perfect.I have left a link to the image that I have used so that it is not copy right.

If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - My Quiz!

Link to my quiz!

Task description - Today I saw my friends doing a quiz on Google Forms.So I said that I am going to create one after school and here it is.It was my first time using Google Forms and I would like to use it again.It took me a while to learn how to work everything.

So in this quiz I have added some questions and I hope that it is not too hard for everyone to answer.I have also added a nice background so that my quiz looks nice.

I hope you enjoy if you do please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - Fact Sheet About Mars!

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term  
Task description - Today Room 8 did an fact sheet all about Mars.If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - People Who Influenced The Telescope!

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what I have learnt this term

Task description - Today Room 8 is learning about history of telescopes.Here I have three things two humans that created the telescope and an Astronomers.I hope you enjoy if you do please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Monday, 25 September 2017

Leilani - Fractions Problems!

Walt: Use repeated copying to solve simple problems using ratios
Walt: Use multiplication and division to solve fraction problems
Fraction problems
Find the answer to these problems using multiplication and Division.
Copy one problem and answer, draw a picture for the problem and post it to your blog.
Word Answer
There are 20 sweets in a packet. How many are there in 1/4 a packet?
4x 5=20
5 sweets in ¼ of a packet.
A fish is 15cm long. The tail is ⅕ of the fish. How long is the tail?
15 ÷ 5 =3
3 x 5 = 15
⅕ of 15 is 3.So the fishtail is 3 cm long.
There are 18 slices of ham in a packet. Mum uses 1/6 to make the lunch, how much is left?
18 ÷ 6 = 3
3 x 6 = 18
Since there mum wants ⅙ then that is how it works.
Mrs Carter gets 30 new books. She lends 1/3 of them to Miss Young. How many books does she lend to Miss Young?
30 ÷ 3 = 10
3 x 10 = 30
⅓ of 30 is 10.Because 3 x 10 = 30.
There were 35 people waiting for their turn on the Ferris Wheel. ⅕ got sick of waiting and left. How many are still waiting?
35 ÷ 5 = 7
7 x 5 = 35
⅕ of 35 is 7.Because 7 x 5 = 35
There are 24 students in the class. Only ¾  have brought their permission slips back. How many have brought their permission slips back?
24 ÷ 4 = 6
6 x 4 = 24
¾ of 24 is 6.
There are 45 biscuits in the packet. ⅖ of them are broken. How many are broken?
45 ÷ 5 =8
8 x 5 = 45
⅖ of 45 is 8.
Task description - Today Room 6 maths did an activity all about Fractions.It was really fun and I think I have learnt lots of things.If you enjoy this please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ).God bless you and your family and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - Article Writing!

Article Writing!
Today I am going to be writing all about Humpback Whales “Remix” Their song Just Like A Master Dj.If you have no clue on what I am doing here is the link to the reading.

Paragraph 1-
Male Humpback whales is know as for the long sweet Melodies.Male Humpback sing while the breeding season.By the way I am just going to tell you the main points.When they sing the song last for ten to twenty minutes.Scientist are not sure if the mammals sing to attract partners or to deter rivals.Once they keep going on and on it tends to repeat the same tune over and over again for a long time.

Paragraph 2 -
The whales do appear to get tired of singing.They create a new song  every year.Sometimes the song is clear and sometimes not.Michael Noad graduated from school he discovered the song of the year.But it wasn’t sung by the Males.

Paragraph 3 -

There is a lot of facts about whales.Each whale looks the same but they might be different.When you read the reading I hope you learn something.
Task description - Today since I have finish my work I have done a article all about a article.If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - Free Writing!

Walt: structure and write a recount
Walt: use interesting and specific vocabulary 
Free Writing
“You’ve just reached your one millionth hit on your YouTube video. What is the video about?”

Today you have the chance to write about something that you really like. It is a form of free writing! You can pretty much write about whatever you like related to the prompt above.

Things you are NOT allowed to write about:
  • Killing
  • Violence
  • Guns
  • Anything else that is in the above categories

You need to write about something sensible, it can be funny and creative but make sure it is acceptable for school and follows the PT ENGLAND WAY!

What is your YouTube video about?It is all about kindness.
Who is in your YouTube video?Everyone that I enter viewed.
Who is the audience for your YouTube video?Everyone that is watching the video.
Is it a song?No
Is it a music video?No
Is it an advice piece?Yes
Start Writing here
Today I reached my one millionth view on my Youtube video it is very exciting because it was really fun..The video that I have made is all about kindness.I interview   many of people and I asked them how can you be kind ? What is kindness mean ?.I also enter view this little boy that made his own video all about kindness.He was really funny.After I enter view everyone I edited everything.It was really fun interviewing everyone and talking with different people.I have learnt that you don’t need to judge people on the way they look.Here are some tips that may  help  you on  how to be kind!
  • Don’t judge other people on the way they look.
  • Help people.
  • If you see someone crying then help them instead of walking pass.
  • Sharing is caring.
  • Before you say to other people that they have sauce on their t-shirt then look at yours first.
  • Make kindness go viral.
That is some tips on how to be kind!
If you would like to check out my video all about kindness it is obviously on Youtube.Thank you to everyone for letting me inter view them and for my  friends for helping me out.

Since I reached one millionth view then I am going to celebrate.So I am going to get a huge pool and go to the shop and grab over a million M&m’s.Then I am going to go onto the roof and jump into the pool full of M&m’s.After that I am going to do the dumbest thing ever.I am going to be doing the 10.000 calorie challenge.
Task description - Today Room 8 had to do an activity all about us reaching one millionth view's on our Youtube video.Of course that this is not real it is just a free writing.I just got really creative with my writing and I made sure that it was kind.If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family ( if you like ) Stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Leilani - Fractions!

Walt: Solve word problems with fractions
Walt: Use multiplication and division to solve fraction problems

We are learning how to solve world problems with fractions.

Pick one of these below to do your working on:
File:Google docs.pngInteractive, Whiteboard ...Book, Open, Reading, Writing, ...

Then take a Camera and insert below.

Sep 20, 2017 9:50:07 AM.jpg
Half of 8 is 4.
Half of 4 is 2.
2 is a quarter of 8.
Sep 20, 2017 9:54:46 AM.jpg
If you split 15 into 3 groups there are 5 in each group.We only want 1 third so it is 5
Sep 20, 2017 10:05:19 AM.jpg
We spilt 16 into 4 groups and there is 4 in each group.We only want one groups.So the answer is 4.
Sep 20, 2017 10:11:27 AM.jpg
So if you spilt 18 into 3 groups.We only want 1 third so we circle on group and that is how much 1 third of the boys get gingerbread man.The answer is 6.
Sep 20, 2017 10:34:42 AM.jpg
Because 3 x 10 = 30.
Sep 20, 2017 10:32:36 AM.jpg
There is ¾ left because we have one fourth and there is ¾ left.
Sep 20, 2017 10:53:46 AM.jpg
There is ⅔ left.
Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 10.38.13 PM.png
Sep 21, 2017 11:59:20 AM.jpg
20 divided by 4 is 5.
5 is a quarter of 20.
Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 10.41.18 PM.png
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There is ¾ left of the pizza.
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Sep 21, 2017 12:27:14 PM.jpg

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Leilani - Thank You Letter To The Parent Helpers!

Today I have wrote an thank you letter to everyone that helped at star dome.
If you would like to read that click Here
If you enjoy my thank you letter please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Monday, 18 September 2017

Leilani - Reflection , Rotation , Translation!

Leilani - Going Up North!

Task description - Today I went up north and I thought that I could write an recount
all about my day.I hope you enjoy if you do please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Leilani - Being Responsible And Being Respectful!

Task description - Today I was very bored and I really wanted to do something on google slides.So here it is.This activity is all about being responsible and being respectful.Being both of those are very important.I think that I have wrote a good amount of tips on how to be respectful and being responsible.So if you enjoy the tips I have done please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Friday, 15 September 2017

Leilani - Mars One Project - How Will You Live?

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what they Mars One Project is 
Task description - Today Room  8 did an activity all about an Mars one project.It was really fun and I have drawn an image of their homes that they are going to live.I really like the colour of the homes and like everything about it.If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!

Leilani - Mars One Project - Astronaut Profile!

Walt: to be able to summaries a story in my own words
Walt: to be able to explain what they Mars One Project is 

Task Description - Today Room 8 did an activity all about the Mars one project.We had to draw and make our own astronaut.My astronaut looks really funny but it took me a long time to draw it.On the side of my astronaut is all about them.Also the day she is born is like Hinerangi birthday day.If you enjoy this please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) Share with family or friends ( if you like ) God bless , stay safe and BYE BYE!!