Walt: To write a recount about our bug hunt experience.
What was our teacher thinking? Turning his students into bug hunters , no way I would ever become a bug hunter! Carry on reading because you WON’T believe what happen!
Our morning started with getting ready for our bug hunt. As for getting ready we walked poilety to our field and got into groups of three to four. The group that I was in had Pisirina , Jahzara and I. While we were getting ready I was nervous to what was going to happen , because bug hunting doesn't really sound like my thing.
Not long after the bug hunt started! During our bug hunt my team kinda mucked around. Since Pisirina is the queen bee she was calling her bee’s but none came , hahaha. After our time was done our time didn’t find any bugs but we tried ish. Overall searching for bugs wasn’t the best , but luckily I didn’t get to hold it! I wondered which team got the BEST bug overall?
It was now the time everyone was waiting for , the prize giving for the group who found the BEST BUG! I definitely knew that our team wasn’t going to win , that reason is because we didn’t find ANY bugs! First we had a drum roll , then Mrs Timmi announced who won! Sonnia , Arthur and Zamera! Lucky them , but hard luck them because they didn’t win any.
My thoughts on this experience was quite weird , and now most of us know that Mr Goodwin makes up very weird experiences for us. Overall this experience was quite weird but overall it was fun , and if Mr Goodwin you are reading this please don’t let us do a bug hunt even though I kinda liked. As well as thank you for not letting us touch the bug. Stay tune to what else Mr Goodwin is going to make us do for another experience.
Task Description:
For our task we are practicing our recount writing for our upcoming test. For our experience we went out bug hunting! Not so great right. But I did lots of writing , mostly making sure that my writing is written correctly and have correct spelling.