
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Leilani - Subtracting Decimals 2!

Walt: Add and subtract decimals in tenths and hundredthsWalt: Solve decimal word problems

Subtracting Decimals
Tenths and hundredths
Subtract the decimals and whole numbers to answer the questions below. Remember to show your working you can do this by writing it in the document or inserting a photo.

Working and answer
4.71 - 0.5=
4.66 , 71 - 5 = 66 - Now I am going to add the 4. And add 66.
2.42 - 0.1=
2.41 - 42 - 1 = 41- 2.41
1.82 - 0.3=
1.79 - 82 - 3 = 79. 1,79
4.55 - 2.3=
2.52 - 4.55 - 2.0 = 2.55 , 2.55 - 0.3 = 2.52
7.75 - 3.2=
4.73 - 7.75 - 3.0 = 4.75 , 7.75 -0.2 = 7.73
4.81 - 1.4 =
3.77 - 4.81 - 1.0 = 3.81 , 3.81 - 0.4 = 3.77
22.62 - 1.3=
21.59  - 22.62 - 1.0 = 21.62 , 21.62 - 0.3 = 21.59

Working and answer
4.27 - 1.4
3.23 - 4.27 - 1.0 = 3.27 - 3.27 - 0.4 = 3.23
3.65 - 1.8
2.57 - 3.65 - 1.0 = 2.65 - 2.65 - 0.8 = 2.57
7.43 - 3.6
4.37 - 7.42 - 3.0 = 4.42 - 4.42 - 0.6 = 4.37
8.51 - 2.7
6.44 - 8.51 - 2.0 = 6.51 - 6.51 = 6.44
8.22 - 1.3
7.19 - 8.22 - 1.0 = 7.22 - 7.22 - 0.3 = 7.19
Task description - Room 6 maths is practising their decimals for next week test. For week 2 of term 4 we have been doing decimals. Here is the activity that our teacher gave us. It might be a bit difficult to understand what I have wrote but it kinda makes scene. This decimals activity was easy. I am sure that when I have my test and it comes to a decimal question I think it is going to be super easy.
If you enjoy please leave a positive comment ( if you like ) God bless you and your family , stay safe and BYE BYE!! 

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