
Sunday, 20 January 2019


Activity 2: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction? [4 points]
Here in New Zealand we have a native dolphin, the Māui Dolphin, that is on the verge of extinction (disappearing forever). As of this year, there are only 63 Māui dolphins left and people predict that they will be extinct by 2033. Environmentalists and activists, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), are working hard to save the dolphin because it is such a special and unique animal. To learn more about the Māui Dolphin, please follow this link. If you would like to sign a petition from the WWF encouraging the New Zealand government to take action to save the Maui Dolphin, please follow this link.
Once you have learned more about this unique dolphin, it is time for you to share your learning with us.
On your blog, post three facts that you learned about the Māui Dolphin. Then, using your imagination, create three more statements about Māui dolphins that are not true (i.e. false). Please don’t tell us which of your statements about Māui Dolphins are true and which are false. It will be the job of the students and staff who read your blog to figure it out.

Task Description:
Hey there! Welcome to another activity from the Summer Learning Journey program. Here we had to create a true or false DlO showing three true facts about the Maui Dolphins and make up as much false facts about Maui Dolphins. On my google drawing I have did a title and underneath that I added my three true facts and the rest is up to you that are false! Good luck and try to solve which three facts are true and what other facts are not true.

Question of the day: Did you know that Maui Dolphins look different from common dolphins?



  1. Hi there Leilani,
    I really like your big selection of facts that may be true or not, because I am having a hard time deciding which ones are false. I know that the Maui's dolphin can live up to 20 years old, and that females can grow up to 1.7 meters long. I can't really distinguish anything else so that means that you've chosen good 'facts'. I also am interested in the fact that humans cant hear their clicks, so fascinating.
    What is your favourite species of dolphin?

    Happy Blogging
    Gargee HPS

  2. Hi Leilani,

    It's Leslie here, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    You've done an excellent job of creating true and tricky false facts about these special animals. Well done!!! You put such great effort into these activities and it's just wonderful!

    Have you ever seen a Maui dolphin in the wild? I'm really sorry to know that there are so few of them. Hopefully the efforts that are being made to protect their environment will help!! It would be terrible to lose this species!!

    I hope you've enjoyed this program. It's certainly fun to read your blog. You put a lot of energy into this program and it makes it really enjoyable to read your postings!

    I also hope you're happy in your new class this term and that you have some really good friends in your class with you!

    I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog.


