
Wednesday 9 January 2019

Leilani - Summer Learning Journey - Day 2: The Air Up There.

Walt: To finish day two , activity one.

DAY 2: The Air Up There

Activity 1: Bee Informed [4 points]
One of the most important, but least talked about, animals in New Zealand is the bumblebee. It was first introduced to New Zealand in 1885 to help pollinate a special plant called the ‘Red Clover.’ Today, bumblebees do many other important jobs, including the pollination of greenhouses and orchard crops. If the bees did not pollinate the plants, they would not survive.
For this activity, we would like you to bee-come detectives and to learn more about the mysterious, and often ignored, bumblebee. We will provide you with five sentences about bumblebees from the NZ Bumblebee Conservation Trust website and it is your job to fill in the blanks with the missing information about bees. Choose the phrase/word that makes the most sense from the list at the bottom. (Each phrase/word can only be used once).
To earn full points for this activity you must type all five sentences and then fill in the blanks for each one. Post the completed sentences on your blog.
Words to fill in the blanks: ... 50 , ...90 , ... removal of wildflowers and flowering trees , habit loss , and extensive use of pesticides , ... hum, buzz , or done. ...54
The five sentences to fill in the blanks:
1: The world ' bumblebee ' is a compound word ( bumble + bee ). The word ' bumble ' means to --------------------
2: Bumblebees can fly very fast. They can reach ground speeds of ------- kilometers per hours.
3: Bumblebees are very strong. They can carry up to ----- percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
4: Bumblebees can carry more pollen than other bees , including honey bees. In fact they can do up to ------------- times as much work as a normal honeybee.
5: The numbers of bumblebees decline in New Zealand due to a number of factors , including the------------------------.
All of the fill in the blanks with answers:
1: The world ' bumblebee ' is a compound word ( bumble + bee ). The word ' bumble ' means to hum , buzz , or done.
2: Bumblebees can fly very fast. They can reach ground speeds of 54 kilometers per hours.
3: Bumblebees are very strong. They can carry up to 90 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
4: Bumblebees can carry more pollen than other bees , including honey bees. In fact they can do up to 50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.
5: The numbers of bumblebees decline in New Zealand due to a number of factors , including the removal of wildflowers and flowering trees ,habit loss , and extensive use of pesticides.

Task Description:
Kia Orana everyone! Today' task here is week three , day two , activity one! This task we have been given five sentences to fill in the blanks. To answer this we read a post or found the answers to all five sentences. Hopefully you have enjoyed and learned new things about a bee!


  1. Kia Ora Leilani,

    I really love your blogging this summer holidays, It's amazingly creative. I've got to say that I really enjoyed this blog post about bee's. I love how you've kept this post really simple and haven't gone overboard with all the fancy objects. The answers of the questions from you was incredible and I can't wait to see more of this soon. Keep up the great work and enjoy your holidays. What's the most interested fact you know about bees?

    Kind Regards,

  2. Kia Ora Hinerangi ,

    Sorry for a late reply been busy. Moving on , thank very much for leaving a comment on my blog once again! You are such a thoughtful friend of mine. I love your comment. It makes me happy because you have complimented my post and even the little details you saw. Well the most interesting fact I know here about bees is their name.

    Yo also keep up with the great work of yours!

    Cheers ,
    Leilani :)

  3. Kia ora Leilani!

    Georgia here, again, from the Kaikohekohe (Northland) cluster! It is awesome to see how much effort and enthusiasm you guys are putting into your blog posts, keep it up! I am so lucky to get to read over your awesome blogs, you should be so proud of yourself!

    I have learnt so many new facts from you! I didn’t know that bumblebees can carry up to 90% of their body weight, they must never starve! Sometimes I feel like I carry up to 90% of my body weight in food, especially after I’ve had a big lunch haha.
    Which one of these facts have been your favourite?

    Keep up the awesome work!

    ngā mihi,
    Georgia E
