On your blog, write a short story about what happened when you opened the door and walked outside after the acid rain storm. To earn full points, you must write a story that is 8 – 10 sentences long.


On one hot summer day my family and I started to notice that the sky started to get gloomy and the streets were dead silent. We checked the news and noticed that there was a huge acid rain storm heading our way , we stayed claim and packed everything we thought off and headed to our basement. Since this day we have been hiding out in our basement for quite a bit , just being wise with our emergency supplies. Today as we were watching the news , they advised us that the acid rain storm has past by and went to the pacific ocean! We wanted to go outside to get some fresh air and experience the outside again. But as we suddenly opened our front door we noticed that all the trees , animals , poles were knocked down. As I took a peck out of a large window I saw water washing down the street , “ ClOSE THE DOOR! “ I screamed. My dad shut the door locked it up and we ran to the basement packed everything and got ready. This is the most scariest thing ever! We wanted a WHOLE week to go by for another update. Once that update went on it was hard to keep on that one channel because everyone was on it , but luckily we didn’t get cut out. They advised us that we had to wait another three weeks for the air to be normal again. So now we are waiting for another three weeks! Goodbye and hopefully you would hear from me next time. 
